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    1121日下午4:15,人文楼M505,举行了主题为“New Teaching Methods and Research Opportunities in Agricultural Economics”教研坊活动,农经系11名青年教 师参加了活动,与爱荷华州立大学农业经济Osei博士交流了中美课程设置、教学安排和课程考核等方面的做法和经验,分享了教学心得。


    Dr. has a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University. He was previously a senior research economist for the Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research at Tarleton State University, and is now an assistant professor of agricultural economics in the department of Agricultural and Consumer Sciences.

    His research interests include economic modeling, production economics, natural resource and environmental economics, international trade, and health economics. He has reviewed articles for a number of journals including recently the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ecological Economics, Forest Science, and Journal of Environmental Management. He currently serves as editor of the Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources.